Best Time to Post Reels on Instagram

What is the Best Time to Post Reels on Instagram?

Alex Quin
April 9, 2024

The use of Instagram Reels has been rapidly increasing as an effective way to engage with users, create brand awareness, and drive sales. However, finding the right time to post your reels is key to maximizing their reach and effectiveness. To ensure that your content is seen by the most people possible, you should plan ahead and post at optimal times. In this post, we will reveal the best time to post reels on Instagram to help you get the most out of your content.

Why Post Reels on Instagram?

So why post reels on Instagram when you could be posting regular content? Reels have the potential to go viral, as they take up a lot of real estate on people's feeds. A 2022 study on Instagram Reels reveals that this type of content has the highest engagement rate of 1.95% compared to other content types. Moreover, Reels' average reach rate of 20.59% is higher than other post types, making it particularly beneficial for small businesses.

Creating content for reels is also much easier than creating content for other platforms, as it requires less editing and production. You can use any video clip or image you have taken or create something from scratch using the tools available in the app.

Why Post Reels on Instagram?

Why Time Matters When Posting Reels on Instagram

Timing is everything when it comes to getting your content seen by as many people as possible. Posts that appear in the news feeds of more followers will be seen by more people, allowing you to reach a larger audience and grow your brand or blog.

It's crucial to post reels at the right time for the best results. The optimal time to post your Instagram reel is when most of your followers are online and actively engaging with content on the platform. This will ensure that more people see your content, leading to higher engagement rates.

What is the Best Day to Post Reels on Instagram

A report from Hootsuite shows that Instagram users tend to engage with content more often during work hours around mid-day and mid-week. This is likely because people take a break from work or school and spend some time scrolling. 

We recommend that you post your reels on Wednesday from 11 am to 3 pm. This is the most popular time for people to interact with content as it falls within work hours, providing them with a much-needed distraction from their everyday tasks.

One thing to note is that the best time to post reels may vary depending on your target audience and industry, so experiment and monitor your stats to determine what works best for you.

What is the Best Time of the Day to Post Reels on Instagram

A recent study suggests that the best time to post reels on Instagram is between 9 am to 12 pm, specifically on Monday through Thursday. The study went further and discussed the best time to post reels for each day of the week. Here is the breakdown:

  • Mondays: Mondays are quite busy, and users are not as engaged on the platform as they are during other days of the week. The best time to post reels on Instagram is between 11 am and 12 am.
  • Tuesdays: The best time to post reels on Instagram on a Tuesday is 2:00 am for the highest engagement rate. Engagement is also high earlier in the morning, specifically between 4–5 am, but it peaks at approximately 9:00 am.
  • Wednesdays: Wednesday is a great day for posting reels, as it typically has a high engagement rate. The best time to post reels on Wednesday is between 7:00 and 10 am. Another peak period is at midnight, between 11:00 and 12:00 am.
  • Thursdays: The best time to post reels on Thursday is between 9:00 am and 12 pm. This is mostly because people are getting ready for the weekend, and they're more likely to view their feeds during that time.
  • Fridays: On Fridays, people tend to be winding down for the week, and engagement is typically lower. The best times to post reels on Instagram on Fridays are 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm, and 9 am.
  • Weekends: Saturdays are a great day for posting reels, as people tend to be more relaxed and engage more on the platform. The optimal time to post reels on Instagram is between 9:00 and 11:00 am. Sunday engagement is typically lower, but the best time to post reels would be between 7:00 –8:00 am.
Posting Reels at Right Time

What to Consider When Determining the Best Time to Post Reels on Instagram

Audience Demographics: Understanding Your Target Audience

It is important to understand the people you are trying to reach with your reels. Learn about their age, where they live, and what they like and don't like. That way, you can make sure your reels appear when they are most likely looking at Instagram. This will help more people see your content and make it successful!

A good way of thinking about this is that if you want to reach the younger generation, then post in the evening when they're more likely to be on their phones. If you're targeting an older audience, then you should post during the day when they are more likely to be online. Another thing could be interesting; if your target audience is focused on sports, post on days when there are big games or important matches.

Analyzing Instagram Insights: Extracting Valuable Data

Instagram Insights is a powerful tool for analyzing audience behavior and post-performance. It provides valuable insights into user engagement, allowing brands to tailor their content to better reach their target audience.

With Instagram Insights, marketers can access detailed metrics such as impressions, reach, likes, comments, saves and shares. This allows them to measure the performance of individual posts and gain insight into what content resonates with their followers. These insights can be used to determine when it is the best time to post reels on Instagram.

To gain access to Instagram Insights, follow these steps:

  • Open your Instagram profile and make your way to the Settings page.       
  • Tap on the 'Account' tab and select 'Switch to Professional Account.'       
  • Choose your category and click 'Done.'
Instagram Testing & Analytics

Competitor Analysis: Learning from Others

Competitive analysis involves studying and assessing your competitors' strengths and weaknesses in comparison to your own. This involves analyzing various aspects of your competitors' businesses, such as their company overview, go-to-market strategy, pricing strategy, and more.

Here is a 5-step process for conducting competitor analysis on Instagram:

1. Identify your competitors: Start by creating a list of the top brands in your industry that you consider to be your direct competitors.

2. Analyze their Instagram presence: Take a look at their posts, stories, reels, and content strategy. What can you learn from them?

3. Monitor engagement metrics: Track their engagement rates over time to get a better understanding of what resonates best with their followers.

4. Monitor post timing: Pay attention to when your competitors are posting on Instagram, and note down any patterns that you notice.

5. Test & iterate: Try out different times for yourself and keep track of the results. This will help you find the optimal time for your own brand or blog.

Seasonal and Trend Analysis: Capitalizing on Current Themes

Seasonal and trend analysis is an important consideration when determining the best time to post reels on Instagram. Understanding current trends and how they fit into your overall content strategy can help you make sure that your reels are seen by an optimal number of users.

Seasonal trends tend to be cyclical, as certain topics come into the spotlight during specific times of the year. For example, during the holiday season, brands tend to focus on more festive-related content as a way to drive sales. Similarly, summer might be a great time to feature beach-related or vacation-inspired content in order to take advantage of warmer weather. By creating timely and relevant content that resonates with users, your reels will have a better chance of being seen by more people.

Trends can also refer to viral content that has been spreading rapidly across the internet. Viral content often has a short lifespan but can be incredibly effective for brands that capitalize on it quickly. Paying attention to what's trending can help you craft relevant and timely reels that your followers are more likely to engage with and share with their friends.

Ultimately, understanding seasonal and trend analysis is key for brands who want their reels to stand out from the crowd and reach maximum potential exposure. Doing research ahead of time can give you valuable insights into what topics resonate best with users, allowing you to create meaningful and engaging reels that will get noticed amongst all the noise.

Tools and Resources for Timing Analysis

Instagram Insights: Unlocking Platform Insights

As stated in the section above, “Insights refers to a group of metric tools provided by Instagram that allow users to monitor their account's performance and gain insights into their audience.

Instagram insights possess four key features; recent highlights, overview, content you've shared, and ads. We will be going over each of them below;

  • Recent Highlights: This section provides a quick snapshot of the most important insights for your account. The Recent Highlights feature will show you the top posts for total impressions, engagement rate, and reach.
  • Overview: With this feature, you can analyze the performance of all of your posts from a certain period of time. This will help you determine when is the best time to post reels on Instagram based on user engagement.
  • Content You've Shared: Here, you can get detailed insights into individual posts such as reach, impressions, and likes. This allows brands to track the success of their content over time and adjust accordingly if needed.
  • Ads: Instagram Ads are used to promote posts and content. With insights from the Ads feature, users can see which ads have been effective and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Third-Party Analytics Tools: Supplementing Your Analysis

If you're not keen on using Instagram Insights, there are a variety of third-party analytics tools available to track user engagement and the performance of your content. These tools can help you answer questions such as "When is the best time to post reels on Instagram for my brand?" Some of these tools are free, while others have a fee associated with them. We will be going over some of the most popular ones below:

  • Hootsuite: Hootsuite is a social media management tool that allows users to track their engagement metrics from one simple dashboard. It provides insight into impressions, reach, and more, giving brands an overall picture of how well their content is performing.
  • Buffer: Buffer is another social media analytics tool that helps users understand their audience better. This tool provides access to important insights such as audience demographics, engagement metrics, and more.
  • Iconosquare: Iconosquare is an analytics platform designed specifically for Instagram users. It allows brands to track the performance of their posts, optimize content scheduling and compare their performance with competitors.

By leveraging these tools, you can determine when is the best time to post on any social network and gain valuable insights into how your content resonates with your followers. This will help you create more targeted campaigns that reach their maximum potential exposure and increase user engagement.

6-Step Process On How To Create Viral Reels

Creating viral reels these days is a great way to boost your brand's visibility and increase user engagement. But how do you actually make sure that your reels go viral? Here are 6 steps to help you get started:

Step 1: Research Trending Topics

The first step in creating a viral reel is conducting research on trending topics. Pay close attention to what topics are currently popular on Instagram and how they fit into your overall content strategy.

Step 2: Identity What Resonates with Your Audience

Take some time to understand what content resonates best with your followers. Analyze which posts generate the most engagement and take note of any themes that appear in those posts. This will help you create content tailored specifically to your target audience.

Step 3: Optimize Your Content

Once you've identified the content that resonates with your audience, it's time to optimize it for maximum visibility. Make sure that you include relevant hashtags, emojis, and other features that can help your post stand out from the crowd.

Step 4: Create Engaging Captions

Captions can be just as important as the content itself. Make sure to craft captions that are engaging and keep users interested in your post. Try using emojis, interesting questions, or even facts related to the topic to keep users engaged.

Create Engaging Captions for Instagram

Step 5: Utilize Influencers

Influencers have a large following on Instagram and can be a great way to get your content in front of more people. Reach out and collaborate with influencers who share similar interests as your brand or whose whose followers would be interested in what you have to offer.

Step 6: Monitor Performance & Engagement

Once you've published your reel, it's important to monitor its performance and engagement. This will give you valuable insights into which content works best for your brand, what topics generate the most engagement, and more. You can use tools such as Instagram Insights or third-party analytics tools to track performance over time.


Posting reels at the right time and understanding seasonal and trend analysis are crucial for brands looking to maximize their Instagram reach. Leveraging Instagram Insights or third-party analytics tools can help you determine when is the best time to post reels on Instagram. Through careful analysis and testing, brands can create meaningful content that resonates better with users and increases user engagement. By doing this, you can ensure that your reels stand out from the crowd and reach their maximum potential exposure.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does it matter what time you post a reel?

It does matter what time you post a reel. Posting at the right time can help your content be seen by as many people as possible and maximize reach. It's important to do research and testing to determine when the best time to post a reel.

How do you make a reel go viral?

To make a reel go viral, create content that speaks to the interests of your audience so it resonates with them. Leveraging influencers with high follower counts and engagement rates can help spread your content further. Taking advantage of trends and seasonality can help it get seen by more people.

Can a reel go viral days later?

Yes, a reel can go viral days later. Viral content often has a short lifespan but can still be effective even if it's posted after the initial peak of interest. One way of making reels go viral is by creating shareable content such as quizzes, polls, or challenges.

Can I track my reel performance?

Instagram Insights and third-party analytics tools allow you to track reel performance, gain insights into metrics such as reach and impressions, giving you an overall picture of how your content is performing. You can adjust your strategy accordingly to make sure your reels are reaching their maximum potential exposure.

Is it better to post on Instagram at night or during the day?

People interact with Instagram at different times, but the most common time for engagement is in the during the morning. It's best to experiment and test different times of day to determine when your content performs best. Factors such as seasonality and trending topics should also be taken into consideration.

How many reels should I post a day?

To ensure that your posts are seen by your followers, try sharing one or two reels every day at specific times. Posting more than that can be seen as spammy and may result in less engagement.

Do reels get more views than regular posts?

Reels tend to get more views than regular posts due to their short length and engaging format. Reels are more discoverable due to the reel tab, allowing them to reach a wider audience than regular posts. Remember that creating content that resonates with your audience will help ensure maximum exposure.

What is the worst time to post on Instagram?

The worst time to post on Instagram is late night and early morning. Most people are asleep at this time, so your posts won't get the visibility they need to reach their maximum exposure. Experiment times to determine when it's the best time for you to post for maximum engagement.

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