Paid Ads

The single most important thing you can do to grow your business is run paid ads, but where do you start? The truth is that there's no one size fits all answer. The trick is finding the right platform for your target audience and tailoring your strategy accordingly.

  1. What are Paid Ads?
  2. Behind our Paid Advertising Strategy
  3. What are the Benefits of Paid Ads?
  4. Our Paid Ads Success Stories
  5. Common Questions on Paid Ads

What are Paid Ads?

Paid advertising is when you run ads on a platform, like Facebook or Instagram. These ads are targeted to people who are most likely to buy your product, so they're very effective at generating sales. The challenge is that every platform has its own unique audience and rules for what can be advertised there. If you aren't careful about which platforms you choose and how you run your ads, your money will go down the drain without any return on investment (ROI).

Where Can I Run Paid Ads?

There are multiple platforms where you can run paid ads like Facebook, Instagram, Google, Youtube, TikTok, Snapchat, and more. But it's not as easy as it seems, each platforms needs its own specific marketing strategy so your business has the best opportunity to generate impressions and conversions. Think about it like this: paid ads are like a cherry on top of a sundae. However, if your sundae doesn't have the right recipe for success then the ads won't do their job properly.

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example of facebook ad

Behind Our Paid Advertising Strategy

As a small business, you know that there's only so much you can do to get the word out about your product or service. So when it comes to advertising, you want to be sure that you're spending your money wisely and getting the most bang for your buck. Whether you're using Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or another platform, our strategy will vary but will ultimately consist of taking leads or interested customers through a sales funnel. From the moment they see our ad, it's almost a no-brainer for them to choose your business over the others.

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Sales Funnel Audit

Before you go ahead and start running ads, we need to make sure you're ready. We know that happy customers = returning customers. And we know that the best way to keep your customers happy is by making sure they have a great experience from the moment they land on your site. So we'll run through your sales funnel—whether you have a sales team or just sell online—and help you identify any potential bottlenecks.

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Ad Copywriting

Digital marketing experts estimate that most Americans are exposed to around 4,000 to 10,000 ads each day. Your ad text is one of the most important factors of your ad. It needs to have a captivating headline that makes a user stop what they're doing to read it. Then it should take them through a journey as they read through the body copy. Their questions should be answered and their concerns should be addressed.
local miami seo company

Campaign Optimization

Already have a current ad campaign running? That's awesome! We encourage you to get acquainted with the platform. Our team will take a look at your current campaigns and see potential opportunities to improve metrics and results. It'll also help us see what's already working for you and what isn't.
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Transparent Monthly Reporting

We provide you with custom reports each month so you know exactly how your campaign is going and you're always in the loop. Get a breakdown of your best performing campaign, audience, ad, and more. You also have instant access to our calendar so you can book a time to discuss your report together.

What are the benefits of Paid Ads?

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Drive Traffic to Your Business

Paid ads are a great way to drive more traffic to your business by drawing in interested visitors from around the globe.
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Build Brand Awareness

Using platforms like Facebook and Google, you're able to pay to place your business in front of potential customers and generate millions of brand impressions.
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Create Omnichannel Experience

With this strategy, once a customer engages with your brand by clicking an ad or visiting your website, each of their social channels becomes a tool to communicate continuously your brand’s message.
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Don't be a One-Legged Stool

Companies like Youtube, Google, etc., are constantly shutting down ad accounts and restricting advertising capabilities. By using Paid Ads as another marketing platform, you'll be able to prevent yourself from being a one-legged stool and relying too heavily on one platform.

Our Paid Ads Success Stories

facebook ads campaigns


Purchase Value in 1 Month


Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
facebook ad campaign results


Revenue Generated


Return on Ad Spend

Why UADV is the best option for Paid Ad Services

  • Unlike other paid ad agencies, you get clear and transparent pricing with zero hidden fees. We also believe in NO long-term contracts so you'll never be locked into something you're not happy with.
  • We don't do project managers. You have on-demand access to the people directly running your campaigns. All our campaigns are managed on Google Suite that you can access in real-time so you're always up to date on how your paid advertising campaign is doing.
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Common Questions on Paid Ads

There are multiple platforms where you can run paid ads, but here are the most popular ones:
1. Google
2. Facebook
3. Instagram
4. Youtube
5. TikTok
6. Snapchat
7. Spotify

Depending on your business model, some of these may work for you and some may not. It's important to analyze your audience before jumping full force into a platform.

Paid advertising can work for ANY type of business. We've worked with industries like meal plan companies, asphalt maintenance businesses, e-commerce stores, and more that have all increased their website presence by using our paid ad services.

The cost of paid ad services varies depending on the project's scope (the campaign complexity, number of page buildouts, and ad creations. To get the most accurate quote, it's best you reach out to our team so we can give you the most accurate total.

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Get a Free Competitive Analysis on Your Business

Our team will compare you to your biggest competitors in your industry across multiple points from SEO to social media so you can find strengths & weaknesses in your business.

Congratulations! You're one step closer to SEO success. A UADV team member will be in touch with you within 24 hours.
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